Thursday 19 June 2008

Angelina Jolie - Imposter To Blame For Premature Jolie Birth Reports

ANGELINA JOLIE's lawyers have allegedly blamed last week's (ends30May08) false reports that the actress had given birth on an imposter - who has been posing as the star's assistant HOLLY GOLINE.

Two false alarms on Friday (30May08) sent the media into a spin, with one outlet even claiming she had delivered two baby girls and named them Isla Marcheline and Amelie Jane - honouring Jolie's late mother Marcheline and her partner Brad Pitt's mum Jane.

But, according to internet gossips, the confusion was sparked by a woman who has been sending out fake information to the media pretending to be Goline.

It's alleged the imposter used a bogus BlackBerry email address to send out incorrect press releases in an attempt to dupe the media - and has been doing so for the last year.

Now, Jolie's attorneys at law firm Lavely + Singer are said to be circulating a letter among entertainment news outlets to explain the situation.

The letter reportedly reads,: "A random individual has engaged in a scheme to intentionally harm my client and deceive her fans, the public and the media through illegal and tortuous impersonation of Ms Jolie's long-time assistant, Holly.

"The individual who claims to be, and to whom the media has relied upon as, a 'reliable source' is not my client's assistant, nor does the email address belong to my client's assistant."

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